Guest Post: RRBC “Spotlight Author” SARA HATHAWAY on Day After Disaster

This post is worthwhile sharing!!

Cassidy's Bookshelves

Today I am honored to have Sara Hathaway, author of The Day After Disasterand fellow RRBC member, as a guest on my blog. Sara is here to tell us a bit about the philosphy behind her book.


Day After Disaster Philosophy
One day, as a teenager, I was hanging out at the Middle Fork of the American River. I asked my girlfriends that I was with, what would happen if we lost all power tomorrow? I was absolutely horrified when they replied, “we wouldn’t have our curling irons or blow dryers.”

I have never been your typical “girl”. I just wasn’t raised that way. My mother was the middle child in a group of five girls and quickly became my grandfather’s masculine counterpart. She helped him with all the chores a boy would have and eventually became a very skilled upholsterer, working with her hands. She was as big…

View original post 996 more words

About Shirley Harris-Slaughter

I love old buildings and history. That's why I ended up writing about the history that surrounded me all of my life - "Our Lady of Victory, the Saga of an African-American Catholic Community." Plus our church had closed and the school is torn down, so I felt it was imperative that we preserve the history or it would be lost forever.
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2 Responses to Guest Post: RRBC “Spotlight Author” SARA HATHAWAY on Day After Disaster

  1. Shirley Harris-Slaughter says:

    With Pleasure.


  2. sarafhathaway says:

    Thank-you for sharing!


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