DAY 15 @sharrislaughter #ADayInMyLife #RRBC @RRBC_Org 30-Day #Blogging Challenge 2023

Monday, JANUARY 16, 2023 @ 2:20 PM ET

DAY 15

Another Day In My Life

My grandson, Jay, stopped by last night to see us before he heads off to Morehouse. We have developed a real close relationship in the past couple of years. He told us about the stresses he had to endure and that talking to me helped tremendously. He also mentioned his disappointment in some professors who are not teaching at all. As a result, he came up short in a couple of classes and had to point out that he is an “A” student, so why did another lackluster student score high. The professor couldn’t explain it, nor was he accustomed to a student questioning him about his teaching methods. Jay wasn’t going to settle for a “B” … only what he deserved, and he got it. He is rabid about getting good grades, doing his assignments on time, getting tutoring if he needs it. And so, he is not going to let a lackluster teacher steal his dreams. I guess you can find bad actors at every nook and cranny.

I know I found one when I was at a community college. By the way, I had to pay tuition fees and an outsider paid more which is fair. It’s not fair that I had to pay at all since I pay taxes. But that’s a story for another day. I took an advanced algebra class with a teacher I became very disappointed in. When she gives a test, her grade is based on not only getting it right but that you do every single one of them. Problem is when you take the time to solve each problem, which requires steps in a formula, you could easily go an hour and still not finish the entire test, and so you get scored low. Worse, she gave me a happy face for what I did get right which was all that I could complete. Imagine, a happy face? What an insult. A friend of mine told me to make an appointment with the head math teacher. I showed him my exam results with the happy face, and he suggested I transfer to his class. We are halfway through the semester, but it helped me to at least pass the subject barely with a “C” grade. If I had transferred sooner, it would have given me more time to bring my grade back up. At least I didn’t fail the class which I was in danger of doing under that idiotic instructor.

I wonder how many of you had experiences with questionable teachers with questionable teaching methods.

I cannot tell you how surprised I was at getting this award for just blogging. I mean, how nice? Blogging for 10 days! It is very nice and appreciated. Blogging can be tedious, especially if you are not organized. It’s a piece of cake if you are. It makes it so much easier each day. It’s especially nice when you have 30 days in front of you and feel confident you can manage it. We are at the half-way point right now. YaaaaaY!

I got up this morning making coffee for my husband. I don’t drink it. The doctor suggested I stop taking anything with caffiene in it as a health precaution. You see, I was prone to developing cysts in the breast area. I stopped and the cysts went away, like magic. You are what you eat.

I mixed a protein drink and sat down to relax and read a little more of Spare. It is proving to be an interesting look into Prince Harry’s real life — not the spin from the tabloids. He had to do it in order to set the record straight on all the misinformation put out there. He wants history to be truthful and kinder to him. I don’t blame him. I wouldn’t want my reputation ruined for no other reason than being a spare. Or that he married a bi-racial woman. As if there is a pure race. There is no such thing. How upsurd! You go Harry!

Now I’m going to take a little time to relax and decompress from the last few days. I have a to-do list which will have to be checked off starting tomorrow. I cannot afford to forget anything as it is very important stuff. Yeah, right!

See you tomorrow!

Shirley Slaughter

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About Shirley Harris-Slaughter

I love old buildings and history. That's why I ended up writing about the history that surrounded me all of my life - "Our Lady of Victory, the Saga of an African-American Catholic Community." Plus our church had closed and the school is torn down, so I felt it was imperative that we preserve the history or it would be lost forever.
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23 Responses to DAY 15 @sharrislaughter #ADayInMyLife #RRBC @RRBC_Org 30-Day #Blogging Challenge 2023

  1. patgarcia says:

    Hi, Shirley,
    It’s me again. Please correct my spelling of Morehouse. I put a W in there and that is not supposed to be. I was writing much to fast.
    Shalom Aleichem


  2. patgarcia says:

    Hi, Shirley,
    I can sing a song about Professors that do their own thing, but I want to it here. I agree with your grandson. The point is that you have to stand up respectfully and put your points across to them. It looks like your grandson did just that. I am very thankful that I learned how to do that.
    Proud of him. MOREHOUSE!!! Great university.
    Shalom Aleichem

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The one time I did poorly in class was Calculus at New York University. The teacher had a heavy accent, and I couldn’t follow his lectures. Another student told me a tutorial class was given afterward for anyone having problems. For me, a B was a problem. I walked into the tutorial and found my whole class sitting there. I wasn’t the only one having problems. Too bad the administration didn’t remedy the situation with a different teacher.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. pdoggbiker says:

    Shirl, when I entered Junior College after high-school, I had a teacher in my Political Science class who address the class looking into the air as if there was a group hanging out above us. He also used to go to the blackboard to write and expound on words he’d written. He did all this without chalk and nothing written on the board. Needless to say, I dropped out and failed that class. Now I can blame him for my being drafted into the military.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. My son is like your grandson – he wants to get all As every time and works hard to try to make it happen. There are bad apples in every profession, including teaching. It seems your grandson is learning to stand up for himself, so kudos to him. 🙂

    Yvette M Calleiro 🙂


    • Absolutely correct Yvette. But he can thank his father for teaching him how to stand up for himself. Clyde had a natural ability to protect and stand up for himself. He is a natural born leader. Since he is an only child, it saved me from a lot of worry as he was growing up.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Linda Mims says:

    Good for Jay. You guys have given him the confidence and self worth to take him far. I’m glad you were able to rest and refocus on family. I’m listening to you about coffee and developing breast cysts. Very interesting and informative post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, Linda, those cysts were an eye-opener for me too. I also stopped smoking years ago when I discovered during a checkup that I had a nicotine buildup in my lungs. That scared the crap out of me, and I quit cold turkey. And I wasn’t a heavy smoker. In spite of that I still developed respiratory issues and allergies later on. Through a process of elimination and lifestyle changes, I am well again.


  7. How wonderful that you have such a good relationship with your grandson. I have a feeling that you have been instrumental in his striving for excellence and his determination to stand up for what is right. Enjoy the week, Shirley. You sure deserve a break from all the recent stress.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Patty Perrin says:

    Hi, Shirley. Your grandson Jay is going to do well in life. I know you’re proud of him. I’ve had some strange professors in college. I nearly flunked Calculus, but only because I never grasped the concepts. I did well in all the other math courses. In one English class, I routinely fell asleep (just after lunch in a too-hot classroom), so the prof took great delight in asking me direct questions when he heard me snore. I would wake up, answer correctly, and doze off again. My subconscious never slept. I aced the class. The campus itself was strange. A story for another day.

    You’re right about there being no pure race. My black friend Antoine discovered through DNA testing that he’s part Scottish. He’s such a delight! He often wears a kilt to church, and I call him McAntoine. No one can argue with DNA!


    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Shirley–I understand how disappointed your nephew must be. He’s working hard and doing what he’s supposed to do. I heard people on the radio this morning talking about how students are using bots to write their college-level papers! Sometimes professors can differentiate between the ones written by the bots and the students themselves. Perhaps some of those students he’s referring to as being “lackluster” are tapping into bot-written papers. Since I only went to college two years full-time and then finished at night on a part-time basis, I never had a problem with professors at the college level. In night college, it seemed to me that I was studying with people who actually wanted to be there. In 1966-68, many of the students I was in college with were honestly just trying to avoid the draft. The adult students I studied with at night were mainly people who hadn’t had the time or money to attend college. They were motivated! Besides, I had the good sense not to take any math classes in college!

    Wanda Fischer

    Liked by 1 person

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