#RRBCSpotlightAuthor A Moment With Decker

Welcome to #RRBC Spotlight Author Blog Tour!

Today I am proud to introduce my good friend


Author, RHANI D’CHAE!!

I’m so excited to have Rhani because I think this is my very first time hosting her and it was such a surprise that I was picked to do the honors. The last time we were together was on THE RELIGION, RAGE & W(R)ITING BLOG TOUR hosted by 4Wills Publishing and we had a fabulous time riding that train together along with Harmony Kent! And so it is with great pleasure that I accept the opportunity to host Rhani  today. Some people you just gravitate to and she is one of them. And now here she is giving us…

A Moment With Decker

I enjoy writing about Decker, the lead character in the Drill series. With 260 pounds of muscle packed onto a 6’5″ frame, he truly is larger-than-life. After failing to save someone close to him when he was 25, he built his body into a weapon and learned how to use it. Now, 15 years later, he tries to keep his streets as clean as possible while working as muscle for hire.


At this point, there are six books in the Drill series that have been outlined and are in various stages of completion. In each, Decker’s career as an enforcer puts him into difficult situations, and I get the fun of writing the details. It isn’t always easy, because Decker occasionally disagrees with my vision for him. But he does let me have my way more often than not, and I get to put my memories of Saturday morning serials to good use.


The following is an excerpt from Shadow of the Drill, after Decker had come face-to-face with the man who put him on the path to becoming the Drill. The outcome was not in Decker’s favor, resulting in our hero being tied to a chair in a burning building. I hope you enjoy this moment with Decker.


* * *


The fire was gaining ground, and he knew that time was very short. He tried to stay calm, to ignore both the heat and the ache of his burned wrists, but the horror of his predicament momentarily overwhelmed him. Panic raged and he thrashed against the ropes, losing his balance and falling face first to the ground.

But the ropes held.

The fire was close enough for Decker to feel the heat on his face no matter which way he tilted his head. His struggle had winded him, and he panted cautiously, each ragged breath searing his lungs regardless of how carefully he inhaled. He could sense death hovering, just out of sight, but he was not done yet.

He inched his way across the floor, coughing and choking from the smoke that billowed around him in suffocating clouds. Breathing was torture, but he managed to keep going, his watery eye fixed on the dirty pane of glass.

I can do this. I can make it!

However, it soon became apparent that he could not. He did not have enough freedom of movement to propel himself along the floor with the necessary speed. He was going to die, alone and most likely screaming, but even though he acknowledged that fact, he continued to fight for his life.

His fingers dug into the floor as he tried to scoot along on his back. When that failed to accomplish much, he rolled onto his side, still trying to crawl. The window was barely visible, but he was not sure if it was the smoke or his own failing eyesight that obscured it.

His pants began to smolder, and he felt panic rise again. He was not sure how easily the denim would ignite, but if it did, he would be unable to put out the flames.





A brutal experience transforms an unproven young tough into a ruthless killing machine. For 15 years he waited, building his body into an unstoppable weapon so that vengeance would be had through the strength of his will and the power of his hands.




Rhani D’Chae is a visually impaired writer, reader, and lover of cats. She is currently working on the second book in the Drill series, about an unrepentant enforcer and the violent life that he leads.


Twitter – @rhanidchae

Facebook – https://goo.gl/UvY4YY

Website – rhanidchae.com


I’m so glad you stopped by to support Rhani. And I promise you will enjoy Shadow Of The Drill as much as I did. Be sure to check out her Spotlight Author Month’s Schedule so you don’t miss what’s next in store for this dynamic author.














About Shirley Harris-Slaughter

I love old buildings and history. That's why I ended up writing about the history that surrounded me all of my life - "Our Lady of Victory, the Saga of an African-American Catholic Community." Plus our church had closed and the school is torn down, so I felt it was imperative that we preserve the history or it would be lost forever.
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38 Responses to #RRBCSpotlightAuthor A Moment With Decker

  1. beemweeks says:

    Yay, Rhani, for getting this amazing honor! You earned it!

    Yay, Shirley, for being such an awesome supporter!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Soooz says:

    Yay! Decker! I remember this scene from the book. I am excited to know that I have so much more of your writing to come, Rhani. Tell the ‘Drill’ to behave himself or else … oh wait a second, nyah, skip that idea, he’s just marvelous when he’s misbehaving. Thanks for hosting this marvelous leg of the tour, Shirley!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. OMG what a scary situation he is in! I certainly want to find out what happens next.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Rhani D'Chae says:

      Hi Flossie. I’m glad you liked the post. Decker is such a strong, unstoppable character, I enjoyed…stopping him. Lol Putting him into a situation that he codn’t
      get himself out of. He hit’s me with writer’s block so often, he had this coming! 😅 Thanks so much for stopping by.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Shirley Harris-Slaughter says:

      Hi Flossie. Nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by to support Rhani. Now you know what you have to do. lol

      Liked by 1 person

  4. beemweeks says:

    I loved Shadow of the Drill. This story is a true thrill ride! Rhani, you are a talented writer. I am so glad to see you on a blog tour. This lets the world know who you are. Best wishes to you.

    Thanks for your amazing support in hosting, Shirley. You are one of the real stand-outs among RRBC members. I am privileged to call you friend.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Wendy Scott says:

    I’m eagerly awaitng the next in this series!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Rhani D'Chae says:

      Hi Wendy, thanks for dropping in. Assuming Decker behaves, Winter will be out by the end of April. And he’s under strict orders to behave. Lol I’m so tired of writer’s block, I could just scream! 😁


  6. Rhani, I’m being drawn further into this story. It’s going to be such a thrill for me when it tops my TBR pile!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Rhani, I will not speak another word until I get a new book on “your boys!” And you know how busy I am, Missy! IT IS A MUST THAT I SPEAK so you get busy!

    Thanks, Shirley for hosting on your beautiful blog!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Rhani D'Chae says:

      Nonnie, you crack me up! 😅 Decker is under orders to behave, so you should have the next installment soon. Thank you so much for everything you do. You are wonderful. *Hugs*

      Liked by 1 person

    • Shirley Harris-Slaughter says:

      Nonnie you light up my life! Wait!! Didn’t I hear that somewhere before? I’m so glad to see you here. Sorry but I’m catching up to what has been going on over here and I’m thrilled to see all the new faces for Rhani. Thank you “Wonder Woman”! You made my day. lol.


  8. Kev says:

    Letting people know more about certain characters is a great way of promoting one’s work. Well done, Rhani. Thanks for hosting, Shirley.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Mae Clair says:

    I would not want to be in Decker’s place in this scene. Great excerpt, Rhani! You’re really hitting the strides on this tour. Congrats!
    And many thanks to Shirley for hosting!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Rhani D'Chae says:

      Hi Mae. I agree, I wouldn’t trade places with him either! But it was fun putting him into a situation that he couldn’t get out of. I’m sure it came as a shock to him. Lol Thanks for checking out this stop on the tour. 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Bill Ward says:

    I would certainly want Decker on my side in a fight! It’s a thrilling book!

    Liked by 3 people

  11. I remember that scene, Rhani. It was one of those time, in the read, that I held my breath! :(, and praying for Decker. 😀 Sometimes, one forgets that one is reading about imaginary people! 😀 Thank you, Shirley, for hosting her.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Rhani D'Chae says:

    Shirley, I’m so glad you are hosting a stop this week. One of the best things about #RRBC is the wonderful people I’ve connected with, & I treasure your presence in my life. *Hugs*

    Liked by 1 person

    • Shirley Harris-Slaughter says:

      Well Rhani you know the feeling is mutual. I can’t forget the wonderful things you did for me over our time knowing each other. I was truly thrilled to be hosting you. I admire your work very much. In fact there are so many members who are so good and getting the chance to showcase their talent is a plus for Indie Authors who belong to this special club. Hugs & kisses to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Shirley Harris-Slaughter says:

    Thanks D.L. and Micki for stopping by.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. dlfinnauthor says:

    This excerpt, left me at the edge of my seat–wanting for the story to continue! I can not wait to read this book, Rhani!

    Thanks for hosting, Shirley!

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Micki Peluso says:

    Wonderful post for thani. She has a great writing style and I look forward to her next books. Thanks, Shirley for hosting her.

    Liked by 2 people

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